Thursday, December 27, 2007
Not another Upside-down daisy hat

Monday, December 24, 2007
Christmas knitting done

Saturday, December 22, 2007
Shortest day of the year
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Check out the new weather pixie...
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Shut out of Blogspot!!!
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Where my stitches at?

Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Winter Knitty is out!
Grinchy Grouchy Sock Kit arrived!

Monday, December 3, 2007
Within the hour

I received my Grinchy Grouchy Sock kit on Saturday, and today I received my Leticia. Both from Blue Moon Fiber Arts. I will post on this tomorrow. I have to share, if you haven't seen already... "Here Hold My Sock". I found it while surfing for the Yarn Harlots Unoriginal Hat that I am knitting for my sister for Christmas. LOL!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Uptown Boot Socks

Friday, November 30, 2007
Today is such a beautiful day

Today is such a great day, I decided to double post. Now that it is daylight (kinda), I thought I would get another picture of the orchid. This brings me immense satisfation to have been able to keep this humidity-loving tropical plant alive in our dry, harsh, arctic environment. It is such a contrast to the world on the other side of the glass.
Boss is out of town today, all my work is done for the week, and I am getting my "knit-on" like a bad, bad girl.
I just HAVE to share the great day. I even got an email back from Sheri from the Loopy Ewe, she does such a great job with her customer service/blog/ business practices, that I had to let her know. Here is a glimpse at her email...
Aww - you're so sweet! Thank you so much for your email and I'm sorry for troubles with other sites. Maybe they're having a bad day. :-( At any rate, we love having you here and promise to always take good care of you! Hugs, Sheri
On Nov 30, 2007, at 4:23 PM, Krista Wilkinson wrote:
i think i love u!
I have been having such problems with "the other" online retail shop: horrible service, shipping delays, rude/accusing emails. I just wanted you to know how much your hand-written comments on the invoices are appreciated. Your attention to detail is flawless and you come so highly recommended. thank you!
It is so nice to have online websites/stores that actually bring a personal touch to their practices. Thank you Sheri and your Loopy Ewe co-workers (if there are any).
NKR: Sunrise was gorgeous this morning

It was such a beautiful sunrise that I just could not resist. Not many mornings are this gorgeous. We keep loosing sunlight until Dec22, with today down to 4 hours and 48 minutes of daylight. Sunrise at 10:15am and sunset at 3:03pm. It is right now 0F/-18C. We don't have windchill, so this is the actual temperature.
On the knitting note, not doing much today, just trying to finish the foot on my second Uptown Boot sock. I will have a couple pictures to post soon.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Mini-sock weekend

Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Mini Sock trials

I guess I should get back to work. Oh, and the stage props? Too sweet. I was over at CaptThor's house and being from NewZealand, she had a bunch of local Merino just sitting in her house not being knit up. And best of all, she donated it to me! Whoo hoo!!! Now I just need to figure out what to do with it.
I am waiting for my Socks that Rock "Grinchy Grouchy Kit" so I will not be starting any new projects (I am not a multi-tasker). I fight my family heritage: I throw things away that I no longer use, I drop off my clothes to Goodwill or the un-reuseable ones to the AK Rag Co., I do not save knick-knacks, and I DO NOT {intentionally} START MULTIPLE projects. All this runs in my family, nature vs. nurture, and I will NOT start now. I will purchase yarn for future projects, I have a long queue. So, in waiting for my kit, I am creating one mini-sock in each of the sock yarns I knit. That way I will have permenant reminders at Christmas of the socks that I knit thoughout the year. Here is just a beginning:
The littlest sock is Jennifer's Mini-Sock Recipe with a cast on of 16 sts. The larger sock is from Lime & Violet: The Daily Chum's August 30th entry titled Tiny Toes. You can see the full entry on Smoking Hot Needles: Avoiding SSS or 14 socks in 2 days!. Both socks are Cherry Tree Hill in "Cabin Fever". I combined the two pattern, since SHN's recipe stated heel of choice & toe of choice, which was frustrating to me. I am a knitting follower, I like to follow patterns.
My version as follows:
Using sock yarn, cast on 24 sts on needle size 0-2. Divide evenly over 3 dpns join for knitting on the round. Knit 6 rounds (K1, P1). Knit 18 rounds st st.
Heel: Place half your sts on needle#1, with 1st stitch in the center. Place 6 stitches on needle#2 and #3. Row1: knit to end, Row2: purl to end, repeat 3 times for 6 rows total.
Heel turn:
Row1: K6, ssk, K1 turn ; Row2: s1 purl-wise, p2, p2tog, p1, turn ; Row3: s1 p-wise, k3, ssk, K1, turn ; Row4: s1 p-wise, p4, p2tog, p1, turn ; Row5: s1 p-wise, k5, ssk, turn ; Row6: s1 p-wise, p4, p2tog. 6 sts remain
Gusset: Knit across the 6 heel stitches, then pick up 6 sts along left side of heel flap, knit all 12 sts of instep onto needle#2, with needle#3 pick up 6 sts on right side of heel flap. Rearrange sts so you have 9 sts on sides and 12 sts for instep. Knit one round.
Decrease: Round1: needle#1: k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1 ; n#2: knit ; n#3: k1, ssk, knit to end. Round2: knit. Repeat until you have original stitch count (24).
Foot: Knit 12 rounds
Toe: Round1: needle#1: K3, k2tog, k1 ; n#2: k1, ssk, knit to 3sts of end, k2tog, k1 ; n#3: k1, ssk, k3. Round 2: knit. Round 3: K2, k2tog, k1 ; n#2: k1, ssk, knit to 3sts of end, k2tog, k1 ; n#3: k1, ssk, k2. Round 4: knit. Round 5: n#1: k1, k2tog, k1 ; n#2: k1, ssk, k2, k2tog, k1 ; n#3: k1, ssk, k1. Round 6: knit. Kitchener stitch close.
Weave in yarn at toe, i-cord yarn at cuff to create hanger.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
To all knit-bloggers: STOP referencing to Ravelry!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Monkey Socks finished
Hat for Bb

Bb had requested a black hat with a green alien and I have never done stranded color, so sounds like a challenge. It went really well, I should have measured his head and creating a pattern instead of just increasing the dimensions of a baby cap. The top of the alien does not stretch enough, I should have {what? don't know enough about hats and stretch and two colors} The hat fits over his head, it is just a little tight 4/5th the way up. Couldn't find a chart on the alien face, so I just drew one up with graph paper.
On a side note: {NKR-not knitting related} I was on the Interweave Knits KAL site and saw some more of the awesome Snowflake Socks form Fall'07 and got inspired to immediately go Xcountry skiing. Heading out on my summer running path, I got the groove of packing the snow-trail and BAM there is a new warehouse right in the path that connects the empty field and the pipeline. Huge signs demanding "NO TRESPASSING" all over the place. Lovely, just lovely. Partially ignoring the signs, I decided to ski to the edge of property (which is actually owned by a friend, leased to these yahoos) and this nasty, burly Alaska-man in filthy carhartts steps out of the shop and stands in his driveway. I wave, MrK (brown lab) is along for the ski because within the next couple trips will be beginning skijor training, MrK starts to bark, the AKman stands portly in his driveway and we have to climb a gravel burm just to get to the remainder of the path. Lets see: "a word of advice, jacka$s, if you want privacy for your meth lab, try not placing it in the middle of an existing recreation path. There are 49 other acres on the parcel, just 'cause you need a backdoor excape path when the troopers come a knockin', doesn't mean you should block off everyone else's enjoyment." Oh, makes me sooooo friggin' mad! I had to take off my skiis to traverse this 12 foot incline burm just to stay away from this joker's rented property. I wouldn't be so mad, but this is a really great ski path cause snowmachiners can't drive over most of it, ruining the glide. Ahhhh.
I still need to buy yarn and cast on these awesome Snowflake sock. Who can ski without? And I did just order a 40" size2 addi turbo for magic loop. Just have to watch the video and scope out the links that the ever lovely Pat emailed. Thanks, Pat!!!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Sign up for new members!

Thursday, November 8, 2007
Monkeys in Bora Bora

Spoiled Monkey in Huahine
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
I'm back! with spoiled Monkey Socks
Cuff was started on the tarmac at Fairbanks International Airport here in Fairbanks. The leg was completed on the way to Seattle. Heel flap was started in Maui and finished on the plane to Tahiti. Heel was turned as I was waiting to leave Tahiti and as you can see, I was starting on the gusset and instep. Spoiled little Monkey socks.
Pattern: Monkey socks from Cookie A on knitty.com
Yarn: Yarn Pirate in their version of Brown Sugar
Needles: my trusty size 2 S.B. dpns
Cast on: October 18
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Campanula for a Cure! Love them socks!

Friday, September 28, 2007
Waving Lace Socks

Yarn: Lorna's Laces in Lakeview
Needle: s.b. dpns size2
Cast on: August Cast off: Sept 28
I love these socks! They are super awesome. The color is gorgeous. These are my first lace socks, so I look forward to wearing them with my slippers inside or saving until next spring. Winter has come, termination dust has hit the hills. There was snow in the valley three days ago, but thankfully it didnt stick!
WIP- Campanulas for a Cure are both cast on and past both heels, working towards the cuff. I wound the J.Knits in two unequal balls, so the first sock to be finished will be the smallest ball and I will make the second sock that lenght. That is a serious advantage with the toe-up socks. Knit until the yarn is gone!
WIP- The shawl/wrap from the Fall kitty.com. Dont remember the pattern name. Yarn is Alpaca Cloud from Knitpicks and addi turbos from the LYS. Havent cast on, but hope to finish it on the plane either to French Polynesia, or from. I selected Lagoon for the color to commemorate the trip. Three weeks away, with a stupid work cruise to San Diego this next weekend.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Not the color I ordered!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Shedir is done!!!
Pattern: Shedir from the knitty.com 2004 Breast Cancer Awareness Month surprise
Yarn: Rowan Calmer in Coffee Bean
Needle: addi TURBO, size5 and SB dpns, size5
cast on: August 31 cast off: September 11

That star at the top is so darn cute! The author of the pattern has some other really great patterns. All-in-all, it was my first cabling experience and the results are beautiful. It was relatively easy to follow, there is one error on the chart that doesn't mention moving 1stitch back, but if you follow the picture, then you will easily realize the error. It tells you on front page which rows to move over 1, but the info got dropped on the second page with the chart. The yarn was a breeze. I haven't worked with acrylic before, I usually just stick with wool (if Qivuit is unavailable, geez...), but I would have to say, the cotton/acrylic "microfibre" is dream to work with. No grit, no shine, no shrinkage! Next time I will move up a needle size. It is snug over my ponytail and I would make the ribbing 1/2" longer so it covers more of my ears. This is Alaska, hats are necessities, not just fashion!
Monday, September 10, 2007
My Birthday
Wednesday, September 5, 2007