Patttern: Log Cabin Socks by Anne Woodbury from Handknit Holidays: Knitting Year-Round for Christmas, Hanukkah, and Winter Solstice
Yarn: Dream in Color Classy in "Happy Forest"
Needles: Brittany 7 1/2" US#5 dpns
Cast On: Feb2 Bind Off: Feb7

I loved making these socks. Yes, they were chewed on TWICE! Once from the skein and another while on the needles. I would spray bitter on them to get the labbie to stop chewing on them, but that would get in the way of my Pepperidge Farm Mint Brusssels enjoyment. What fun would sock knitting be if there were just a couple cookies involved?
I noticed that my snack of choice is mostly directly dependant on my sock of the moment. Knitting with the Duets made me hungry for Black Forest Cherry Cake and cinnamon hot chocolate. These made me crave mint Brussels. Fortunately, these only took six days, so I didn't go through a lot of cookies, just a couple.
This is the first time I have knit socks with wood needles. And hopefully one of the last. Yes, I know Brittany has a five year replacement guarantee, but that statement is not MrK proof. Dogs eating needles; I am most positively certain is not covered under that policy. Honestly, I did not even bother to check. I liked the feel of the knitting, the wood was rough enough to grib the yarn, and smooth enough to let it slide off when I wanted. No dropped stitches. I would have hated to use Inox with this fiber, it would have been like eating chalk. My beloved Susan Bates are not available anywhere in town under a size7, and I did not feel like ordering them online. First pair were from Memories and More, and the second pair were from Inua. I love going into Inua LYS because of Raveler sarahjean. So nice to have a friendly face and some to talk to. I wanted to go in next time she works and pick up some of the Cherry Tree Hill's Caribou Creek, which is so much prettier in person than it is online, but she works next on Saturday and I leave for work on Friday. Next time. Man, that Cherry Tree was gorgeous, and on sale. Since I am saving my pennies for a Yarn Crawl from Seattle to Portland and back, I only picked up some Lamb's Pride Worsted in Brown Heather for my next pair of Log Cabins.
And speaking of next pair of Log Cabins, I also bought some more Dream in Color Classy from theLoopyEwe.com in November Muse. The yardage on the label says 250yds and the pattern calls for 3 skeins of 120yd Rowan Cork, but I had 18gram left over from my boys size 7 (woman's size pattern). It is a sad day when you realize the youngest kid in the household now has bigger feet than you do. At least I am still a foot taller, for now.
I have that book too and I want to make those socks!! and about everything else in the book = )
My stepson surpassed my foot size over the summer (I am a us10) and well after the resent growth spurt I have about 8 inches left before he surpasses me in height (I am 5'10") and he is only 12!!!!!
stay warm up there!!
Love the socks! I really like the pattern, and I love green. My eight year old can wear a ladies 5-6, I wear an 8, so I figure it won't be long til his feet are bigger than mine! (His dad is 6'4" and wears a 12-13, so I guess it's bound to happen sooner rather than later!)
I've made these socks before for my dad...but now I want a pair for me!! I love the idea of using Dream in Color Classy (I love that yarn!!!).
Your socks are absolutley gorgeous!
I loved your comment on the lab and wooden needles. I have long since given up on those--they make for a very expensive knitted project since everytime I turn my back they are in splinters. There really isn't much difference between pricey wood knitting needles and a stick in the backyard--at least not to a lab.
Hi! I moseyed over from the SAM5 KAL to visit your blog because I love these socks you made :-) Seeing these, and reading where the pattern is from, I am reminded that I HAVE THIS BOOK!! Clearly I need to read more :-D
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