Guess what? I am leaving again. Off on a buying spree for the giftshop here at work, and then off to visit my InLaws, whom I love, then off to sit in a hotel room for a couple days in Seattle working ('Cause it is beginning to look like that time of year when we start getting busier with tasks). I will hang out with Shea in the evenings, and will be on Yarn Crawl from Seattle to Portland and back.
Another reason I am leaving is because it is COLD. Capital C, capital O, capital L, capital D. COLD, just downright fridgid. Man, I hate when it gets like this. Although it could be much, much worse. I have seen it in the -60F's before.
I really like your blog. I saw your gorgeous socks and a plea for comments on you blog at the SAM 5. I love comments too! Come visit me sometime. I have looked at that sock pattern a hundred times and thought about making them, but for some reason have never got around to it. I must admit I like them MUCH better in green than in grey. Good luck on your travels! I am originally from the Seattle area so say hi to everyone for me (LOL!). I really miss it!
Poppin' over from SAM5. Man - it's cold here in Anchorage, (-6°F) so I can only imagine what it's like in Fox. Love your Feb. socks - I think I'll have to add the pattern to my queue. Have fun in Seattle - I'm headed there next week for Madrona - can't wait to escape this frigid weather!!!! Stay warm!
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