Yarn crawl from Seattle to Portland was great. I will blog the Stash Enhancement eXperience in another posting. Taking pictures now when it is so overcast does not work. No true color recognition is present with that cast from the artificial blast of light . Oh and speaking of stash enhancements: may I be the first to say, "These babies are gorgeous"? They are amazingly bright. I don't know what I was thinking, maybe it is the fact that winter is starting to wear me out. I needed some serious color. Flowers were in bloom in Seattle, my MIL's crocuses were flowering in the back yard and her tulips were just breaking out of their winter hibernation in the front yard. Jealousy took over and I had to buy everything in bright colors because I knew that I was coming home to the land of winter. Two more months, and spring will be here in Interior Alaska.

The whole trip was not all yarn, work, fiber goodness, work, drive, drive, drive. Almost 1,200 miles logged on the rental car going from Seattle to Woodburn to Seattle to Portland to Woodburn back to Seattle.
Here I am with my darlingMIL and MrAfternoonMoon. We got to drop into her "office" to see where she works and meet the kids in her classes. It was so cute when she introduced the Mr as her little baby, the youngest son to a passing fourth grader. He looked up at Mark and said, "Man, your big. You're no baby" It was so adorable.

My first stop was the Madrona Fiber Arts Winter Retreat. I didnt know anything about the retreat, but I read at Ravelry that there was something going on in Tacoma and then again on the Yarn Harlots page about laundry needing to be done or she would be forced to wear commercial socks. That would be embarrassing! Image being the Yarn Harlot and being caught in cheap Old Navy argyles! Needless to say, it was amazingly to walk through my first Fiber Marketplace. So many knitters, so many things to touch, squeeze, think about running away with. I will post pictures by the end of the week of all the goodness that I bought here. Shea and her two DD and her MIL came with us and we all had a blast. Gwennie got a stuffed black sheep and Layla got sweater yarn. And I walked away with several small bags.
1 comment:
How fun!! I miss the Seattle area this time of year. All the flowers! By next month everything will have flowers on it--it is so beautiful.
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