too bad all my Christmas knitting was for myself!
Yarn: Socks that Rock in "Grinchy" and "Pond Scum". Whisper in "Pond Scum"
Needles: Size 1 & 2 & 3 dpns
Cast on: December 1
Cast off: December 22
I modified the pattern (by situation, not by choice) so I did the normal toe that I always do, not the short row as in the pattern {that got left at home}. The sock on the left of the picture, is considerably larger than the sock on the right, by about 1/2 inch. My wonderful sock model, FB, has a man's size 6 (women's 4?) so it is viewed a bit loose for my size 8 1/2 foot. I inadvertantly added another row of whisper to the sock on the left, and purled those instead of knitting them. I will be wearing them with pants tomorrow (and every Christmas after) so I am not at all concerned with the differences.

As we were taking all of our pictures downstairs by the tree, my sock model mentioned that he would love to have a pair of my homemade socks, "cause they are really soft and comfortable". I think he just likes the one-on-one Mom time and posing (not that MrK isn't always trying to get in the way). So, it looks like I have a project to make for someone else. We'll have to go to Inua and have him pick out a yarn for himself. I assume it will be something green. FrogBoy likes everything froggy, and he loved the name
Pond Scum from my Grinchy socks.