In my attempt to purchase my yarn for the Campanula Socks for a Cure, I fell upon a couple skeins of Debbie Bliss for a hat (thank you knitting daily) for the great 76-Stitches Hat ! I will alter it by adding a ribbed cuff to eliminate the roll and deleting the purl-1-round ridge. Just a great basic hat. I truly love the color suggestions.
In other news, I posted to the Campanula site that I received my yarn, but had not yet received the emailed pattern. Within a half-hour had the pattern in my grubby, little inbox, with an apology for being missed. Excellent pattern, I so look forward to casting this on as soon as the Waving Laces are off the sticks. I will most likely make the Campanula's for my October sock (but to much of the work in September cause I will be in Tahiti for 2wks of October, yeah!)
1 comment:
Oooo - I like your new top pictures!
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