Yarn: ShiBui Sock 100% Superwash Merino in "Dragonfly"
Needle: Addi Turbo size3 circ
Cast on: Feb20 Bind off: Feb28
This was a wonderfully fast little knit for Layla. It reminded me so much of the knitting experience I received by knitting dishclothes. Learn to knit, learn to purl, learn k2tog, learn ssk. Suffice to say, I learned most of my knitting techniques from my first dishclothes.

With this sweater, I learned the 3-needle bind off and seaming. I also learned alot about weaving ends in. I learned ALOT about weaving in ends. There were so many of them. And I am very tired of garter stitch. And I can't image knitting a whole sweater. Wow, this was really dipping my toes in the proverbial sweater waters. I have two more small orange buttons to sew on the front to compliment the main glass button. I bought the lampworked button from Sheila & Michael Ernest at the Madrona Winter Retreat. But you can buy them from http://www.glasspens.com. I went and bought another one from them for my MrGreenJeans sweater. I am excited to start my first Me-sized sweater, but I can see where there is going to be a vast amount of spacial knitting. My concentrations have been on socks: knit-knit-spin, knit-knit-spin. Soon, knit-knit-knit-knit-knit-cable-knit-knit-knit. Should be a great challenge.
You are going to make the MrGreenJeans sweater--ME TOO! I really like it. I just need to find the right yarn. I am thinking, maybe black because I need a black sweater. Be sure to post pictures of yours and I will of mine!
I love the little cardigan!
Great sweater! Perfect button!!!
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