The house is starting to look like the beginnings of a house. Here is the foundation pad. Ah, the joys of rebar.
One day later, we have forms for the foundation walls. Man, these guys worked!

More work on my Monkeyfart Snickets. I needed to post two pictures: the first for the pattern and the second for the color. I modified the foot of the pattern switching to purls from stst to emphasize the single row cabling on top. I am really starting to have fun. Just as they are about to end. My wish is to have these done before the 24th for Parker's birthday. Tomorrow I won't have much time to knit on these as it is Father's Day is tomorrow and we are grilling up burgers and steaks at Chena Lakes. His choice. I was thinking peaceful morning with lattes and scones. Silly me. It is beer, burgers, and babes (me).

looks like little honeycombs!
What a lovely place for your new house. I 'll bet you are really looking forward to it.
Love the socks!
Congratulations on starting your new home! Your land looks gorgeous!...and Mr. Greenjeans is spectacular!
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