In the same span of time it takes one to sign their name, I went from 100% debt-free to 0% debt-free.
With that signature, our family welcomes in a new addition... We are now the proud parents of a bountiful construction loan. And being proud new parents to such a wonderful creature, nesting took effect and we made room for our new addition.
I was thinking that I had too much time to knit (okay, I was NOT thinking that, but maybe my husband was..) 'cause we went out Memorial Day weekend and cut down all these beautiful trees. Four days later, our 2 acre plot was cleared and the dirt work began.

We now have a foundation pad (read: BIG HOLE) and the contractor comes tomorrow morning to start laying the foundation blocks. Whoo hoo!
The driveway and pad took five days. We still need to lay the pitrun tomorrow so the rain slated for Wednesday does not wash out the driveway. It is so hard to believe the picture above is the same as the picture below. That was so much friggin work. I haven't physically exerted that much muscle power since I worked for a landscaping crew in high school. My thighs and biceps still ache from all that lifting. Those logs were excruciating! But all that firewood will keep our home warm for a full winter.
Those of you that read my blog, Beware! I will continue to knit and post all my knitting, but I have to shift some of my focus to building my home. And I get to decorate from the ground up. I wonder if I can knit siding? A nice felted merino?
Congratulations! In addition to yarn, I suspect you should stock a good whiskey, as I hear such projects can be traumatic. Best wishes for a smooth build.
Good luck with the build! Exciting and scary at the same time. I look forward to seeing it progress.
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