We leave tomorrow for Tampa and sail out on Sunday. The flight will be a killer. We depart home at 6:30pm, fly to Anchorage, wait two hours, fly to Seattle, wait four hours, fly to Houston, wait three-and-a-half hours, then final flight to Tampa. Spend the night in Tampa and wake up the next morning, do some shopping, I found
Knit 'n Knibble so I might try to hit a Tampa LYS for an hour or so.
All seven of us are going. HiOhSilver, me and boy1, 2, 3, 4, & 5. They are so excited to go they barely slept last night. No school for two more weeks. They had two weeks off for Christmas vacation, back to school for one week and then off again for another two weeks. The teachers are not happy, but the life experience from traveling fullfills so much of a greater appreciation for foreign cultures, languages, geography, vitamin D processing. And we are three days out and they are already not sleeping. So what am I going to do tonight to verify they sleep well? Uh, how about some popcorn and
Ghost Ship? It was either that or the Poseidon. or Titanic. We already watched Madagascar (at the expense of our teens, ha ha). That should really get them to bed!
With all the flying, and waiting, and sailing (only two days at sea, the rest are days-at-port) I will have lot of time to start and work on my Chevron Scarf. I thought the miters need to stay at home. I thought about bringing along the Log Cabin Socks, but decided against it. I thought about knitting a bikini, but I won't shame the boys with that horror, so that is out the window too. A nice tight project that I can write the pattern on a notecard, in case either the jetlag or the Dramamine kick in. See you at the end of January, signing off and shipping out... Krista
1 comment:
OMG - what a trip!! Have a blast - soak up the sun and enjoy every minute!
YES - travel and real life are so much better than sitting in a classroom!!
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