And the day started out so poorly. I had a 9:30 am dentist appointment. I wake up at my usual 7:30am, still dark and will be for another two-and-a-half hours. Take a shower, brush my teeth extra special careful (cause the dentist will think that I always spend five whole minutes brushing instead of the requisite two?), get dressed, and grab the gargantuan key chain off the key-monkey and point the auto-start at the window.
{Blue Moon Fiber Arts; Socks that Rock - mediumweight; "Farmhouse"}

No starting of the Dredge-truck. Press the key button again, no start. Okay, battery... check. Point, press, nothing. Oh, lovely. Going to be a wonderful morning. I walk out to the trucks and notice that both of the cords are unplugged. Since cars in Alaska at 25F below need to be plugged in so the battery blanket keeps the battery warm, the water circulator keeps the water/anti-freeze flowing, and the engine pad keeps the engine warm (relative term here), ours are frozen. HiOhSilver comes out and his truck starts right up. Mine? No go. So, how did the trucks get unplugged? Did the Karma gremlins know that I really, really didnt want to go to the dentist first thing in the morning? Did little wood sprites not want me using evil electricity? No, there are moose prints all around the tree that we dangle the cords from and they have tripped over the cords and unplugged both trucks. Yes, imagine my embarrasment when I have to call the dentist and tell the receptionist that I am unable to make it to the appointmet because a moose unplugged my truck. She laughed, "only in Alaska."

So that brings me to my lovely Stash Enhancement Experience. With now a couple free hours on my hands, how about we take MrK and Linger-Pingers on a brisk 25F below walking trek to the mailbox to grab the couple pounds of junkmail that I receive on a daily basis? Living here on commercial property, I cannot legally (man, those postal workers have some complicated rules) receive mail and if I do, I cannot forward mail to a new moving address because mail-forwarding is only a residential option. So everyone who has ever lived here still receives all their junk mail, here. All of my foreign employees that order anything through the internet (and boy-'O-boy do those kids order some wack-arse stuff) all receive junk mail for years, here. With no end in sight! Mail time is almost like recycling time; but only if we just recycled here in Fairbanks. It would be great.
Three Whole Boxes of fiber! First package: my order for my Chevron Scarf, the BMFA mediumweights in Farmhouse and Chickabiddy.

Third package: My order from Yarn Market. I highly recommend this online vendor. Their order form is easy, they carry a million different brands, the free shipping isn't free to Alaska, which it usually never is anyway. After some haggling, they were willing to drop the shipping charge of the backordered items and are shipping those for free. I ordered 34 different colors of Tahki*Stacey Charles Cotton Classic for Park's Mitered Blanket from the Mason-Dixon Knitting book. I am really excited to start this project. I will give it to him for his birthday in June. I know, I am probably setting myself up for failure. What 12 year old boy wants a blankie for his birthday? But of all my boys, Park is one to appreciate the hardwork that handmade gifts require. After modeling my socks for the blog, he decided a couple weeks ago that he loves the softness of the socks and would really like a pair for himself. So, quick as that request came out, I jumped to the Loopy Ewe, ordered the Dream in Color "forest" and added the Log Cabin sock to my Ravelry queue. Until then, looks like I have my hands full!

Glad you like it! Enjoy and Happy New Year!
Okay, the truck stuff is so not good. But, at least you got out of the dentist appointment. :) And all that wonderful yarn!!! Turned out to be a pretty good day after all, huh?
Now that is some serious stash enhancement!!
The rainbow of cotton is gorgeous and just to let you know - my 11 y.o. still LOVES his quilt I made for him - I don't think they ever grow out of loving soft blankets!
I have some Farmhouse in lt. wt so I know how pretty that one is - and the combo with Chickabiddy will be gorgeous for your scarf.
Damn Moose!!
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