Pattern: Cleopatra's Stockings by Yarnissima for Blue Moon Fiber Art's Socks that Rock May shipment.Yarn: str "The Incredible Shrinking Violet" in lightweightNeedle: size1 addi Turboscast on:July17 bind off: July30Yes, it was MAY's shipment. I have been so preoccupied with my own knitting, that I have let the Rockin' Sock Club shipment rock the stash bag(s). I hear that the next shipment is starting to ship internationally, so that gives me one week plus standard US shipping until a whole new package come. There is some pressure to cast on!This sock took some patience, some time to think the direction over, and a lot of deep breathing. I am not the type of knitter to get upset when every step of the pattern is not given to me spoonful by spoonful, but I did feel like there were "a couple planks missing on this girls dock". I made the smallest size for my size 8 1/2 foot because the Leafling (March's shipment) was overly generous on the size. After I tried the sock on before the heel increase (interrupt: these are made toe up) I came to the brilliant awareness that each sock pattern comes from a different designer so one design's generous proportions are another's snug-lovin'. I added two sts on each side for the heel increase and moved to a size2 circ for the leg. My socks were almost a full repeat shorter than the design. I followed the directions, but should have used my intuition instead and did an additional repeat. Overall, I give this pattern a solid A. Genuine construction, original thought on pattern, a challenge for me and a gorgeous rewarding sock for sticking it out and finishing the task. I read a lot gave up and made Monkeys. I am greatful I had the fortitude to stick it out. Ravelry helped!Oh, and I learned how to conceal wrapped stitches. If you dont know, check it out: Cat Bordhi rocks!And the house is going well. We have a certified septic system that my DH installed himself! Hubbie rules! There is now a roof. Both decks are installed. The windows arrived at the supplier last week and as soon as the framer gets back from vacation, we will have those installed as well. Doors are ordered. Garage door still needs to be ordered. Dirt work is done. We still need to install the well and put up the insulation sheet on the outside. Then it is considered "dried in" for winter. We hope to run plumbing and electric ourselves and install the piping for the radiant floor and have the contractor come and pour the gypsum. Siding goes up this spring and the lawn will not be installed until mid-next-summer. Whew, we have been working like dogs!
The socks are terrific! Good for you!
The house looks wonderful now. Ooohh...radiant flooring? No cold morning feet? I can't believe how fast you've made progress. No wonder you're tired!
The socks are beautiful! The house progress is amazing! You've worked your ass off this summer, girl! Working 7 days a week in the tourist industry,raising a family full of boys AND building a house! You've got a Gold medal by my standards. =^..^=
Your Cleopatra's look great! I just need to finish the cuff on sock #2 - it's on a time out. I blame the blunt needles I'm using.. I wish I had done an extra repeat as well - socks are a little on the short side for my taste. Oh well - great original pattern. Hopefully I'll finish soon. House is looking great!
The socks are terrific! Good for you!
The house looks wonderful now. Ooohh...radiant flooring? No cold morning feet? I can't believe how fast you've made progress. No wonder you're tired!
Great socks -- you house is really going up fast!
The socks are beautiful! The house progress is amazing! You've worked your ass off this summer, girl! Working 7 days a week in the tourist industry,raising a family full of boys AND building a house! You've got a Gold medal by my standards.
Your Cleopatra's look great! I just need to finish the cuff on sock #2 - it's on a time out. I blame the blunt needles I'm using.. I wish I had done an extra repeat as well - socks are a little on the short side for my taste. Oh well - great original pattern. Hopefully I'll finish soon. House is looking great!
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