Pattern: Terradance Socks by Lori Law of Ocean Wind Knits
Really, these socks are merely plain vanilla socks. k2p2 rib, stockinette stitch leg, heel, turn, decrease, foot, toe, done. I paid for the pattern because of the heel. The picture on the pattern was this awesome looking linen stitch and I am a sucker for my desire to learn something new. The kicker for me was the linen stitch didn't work for me. I emailed the designer to see if I was doing something wrong; she replied promptly to inform me my stitches were correct. Maybe my colors might have been too varigated for the stitch, or my tension too tight, or a million different reasons; all giving me the result I did not intend. Oh, well. The colorway is fabulous so I will have to live with that.
Yarn: Colinette Jitterbug in "October Afternoon"
Needle: addiTurbo size 2 then 1 40"circ; magic loop
Cast on: July22 Bind off: Aug28

The yarn is Colinette Jitterbug. I bought it on the Loopy Ewe merely because of the name, "October Afternoon". October is by far one of my favorite months for several reasons: 1) I got married on the 4th (ten-four good buddy), 2) tourist season has officially ended and I can relax/vacation/de-stress/clean my house, and 3) cooler knit-friendly weather.
I started with a size2 and decreased to size1 for the foot. The change is visible. The leg is size2 with deep pooling, while the foot is more of a swirling stripe. Cool none-the-less.
And speaking of cool: I now have windows! It amazes me the transformation that occurs when the windows are installed. My plywood box is starting to resemble a house! Doors come in later next week with the garage doors coming by the end of September. Electricity was brought down from the pole Wednesday. Today is/was Saturday and we installed all the electric boxes on the 2nd floor and in the laundry room, guest bathroom and guest bedroom. Tomorrow the rest of the house is scheduled for electric boxes and the start of the plumbing. We still need to schedule the well and get the radiant floor hoses installed, gypsum poured. Then we can insulate and seal her up until Spring. Whoo hoo! Home building is a lot of work, just as I expected. The thing that surprises me the most: HiOhSilver and I haven't fought like I have heard rumors that spouses do during home builds. I am so relieved. I would hate to have to bury him in the back yard or throw him into the Tanana. He is useful. Damned useful. And fun. And charming. And caring. Hon? are you reading this? I know my birthday is coming up. I love you! Know what else I love? Macro lens. and yarnie gift certificates. and Coach purses. and french bulldogs. and more yarn certificates. Inua is right down from your office. Hon? Hon? Oh well, guess he left. He is great though.
Oooo! I like those socks! And the house is definately making progress--that's a huge plus! Will you be in by winter?
hay so what is this you not posting for a whole month, have you quit knitting or something ?
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