"The key to turning a heel is to believe the pattern and follow it for a few rows before forging off on your own." (McCarthy, 19)
Well, Knit Socks! by Betsy Lee McCarthy did not disappoint. She guided me through even though I had to go back to the heel turning section to read it over again, cause how the hell am I going to only work part of a row? Obviously someone was drinking when they wrote it, and was doing a bit of her own editing as well. But, since there are firsts for everything, I will admit that I was wrong and she was right. I looked for a picture of her to create a target for dart throwing, but sadly there was none. What kind of self-promoting author is she? Obviously not a good one. I do have to give her credit. She knows her socks. The only thing I found lacking was a comment to move to one needle while creating the heel flap, but it was simple to figure out. Everything else has been step-by-step explained.