Yarn: J.Knits in San Jose
Needle: s.b. dpns size2
Cast on: forgot Cast off: uhm, sometime in the first week of October

The pattern was not memorizable, so I was continually having to look at the chart. It made the knitting go very, very slow. Casting off worked well on one sock, and the second sock is horrid. Does not stretch AT ALL. Big enough to go over my heel, so I am not going to fix it.
J.Knits yarn is soft to begin with, but after working with it for a while, it starts to feel really scratchy.
I am so glad they are done. And so is Mr.K (chocolate lab puppy). He digs through the dirty clothes hamper to find them to carry them around with him. He doesnt destroy them, he just carries it over to his bed and sleeps with them. I have washed them twice, and was hoping that it would end. It hasnt.